Genesis 15:13-14
13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
Since America's first colony in 1607, until 2007 is 400 years.
2008 was a year in which "Change" was promised.
Although we remain a nation, we are not the same empire.
In Judges 3:16, we read of Ehud, who was a leader in Israel. He took a "present" to Eglon, the King of Moab. While delivering this present, Ehud killed the Moabite leader and returned to tell his armies to attack.
It is interesting to note that we currently have an Ehud in charge of Israel's Defence.
Also of note is the Moab (Mother Of All Bombs) which was first tested at Eglin Air Force base.
Moving on to Judges 4:4, we see a female in Israeli politics.
This woman is called upon to go to war, So she calls a man named Barak to assist.
Barak says he will not go to war for Israel alone, but that they will have to help.
In verse 9, she tells Barak that this is not for his own honor.
Barak then pursues the enemy which has "Chariots of Iron", and they flee.
In Israel, we now have Tzipi Livni, currently foreign minister, and in the U.S. we happen to have a Barak. We also have Ehud Barak in Israel.
Now in Judges 5:6 it says that the highways were unoccupied, and the travelers walked wherever they went.
Chapter 5 deserves much more study, and I will try to get to that later.
Moving on to chapters 6 and 7, there is one more war in the valley of Jezreel (Megiddo).
I believe what we see in these verses is either the war of Psalm 83, or the Magog war, which is followed by the gathering for Armageddon.
It seems as if the time is getting closer!
4/14/2009 |
Posted in
Ecclesiastes 1:9
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