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3/3 - WEEKEND READING1 year ago
Unpopular, the Movie7 years ago
4 responses to "Mystery Babylon"
It's about time people open their eyes to what our country is. I am an American,born an American,raised an American, I am the 5th generation from Germany and 1000th generation from American Indian. Our country started in blood and it will end in blood. But as for us Christians True believers in Jesus , Start looking up. Jesus will save us, and if it is His will that we die with this nation then we still go to Jesus so whether we live or die , we live in Christ Jesus , we Die in Christ Jesus, either way we belong to Jesus. I hope and pray millions upon millions sees this video in our country America. But speaking carnally I think it would not matter 90% of people including many many Christians are asleep and don't care.
Yes, this video makes the case for what many of us have thought is "Mystery Babylon". I wonder is this happens during the Eze 38&39 war based on the reference to those who "dwell safely in the coastlands".
Good Video, I am still on the fence about whether the US is mystery babylon or not, but this sure has me reconsidering it.
powerful. thanks for this. i didn't want to even entertain these ideas a year ago. now it seems obvious.